iim semii new tO thiis, ii mean ii read them but i`ve never cOnstructed one of my own, but thiis shall be cute, fancy, dOpe, extravagant. . . mOmentariily. buut , it`s 2OO9, thank gOd riight. year fOr change , we call iit , and iin sOme weiird and senseless way i beliieve iit. ii dOnt see the change yet, but hell ii beliieve iit. buut, thiis is the year fOr me, nOmOre prOcrastiinatiing, nOmOre laziiness, just flat out nOmOre. FOCUS iis the best thiing iin liife, wiithout fOcus nOthiing can be accOmpliished. welll, hmmm, ii take that back, cause anythiing pOssiible but tO dO iit accurately yOu need fOcus. iim basiically grOwn nOw "19" . . . yOu aiint grOwn untiil your 21 where ii cOme frOm, but ii liike ta beliieve iim grOwn. ii have my own, car, jOb, rOom, man , etc. . . and mOst defiiniitely respOnsiibiliities. we have a black presiident. . . shOut out to OBAMA cause iin some weiird way ii feel liike he`s my hOmebOy or sOme sOrt. . hiis swag iis up, he uses intellectual wOrds and he`s just a dOpe happy persOn overall. well thas wat we see, but back ta liife. schOols slOwly but surely cOmiing to a end and im cOnfiident abOut my fiiesld of study. ii have a better intake and outlOok on friiendshiips and mOst defiiniitely have a new fOund respect fOr relatiiOnshiips and that fOur letter wOrd; LOVE. guess thas all a part of grOwiing up, or shall ii say my 2OO9. . . . tOotles
siigned biittersweet liife